Online Store Opening Soon!

Become A CHROME Reseller

If you are into the whole gym vibe and know your supplements then you are in the right place because now you can use all that knowledge you have gained to generate some extra cash!!! Join TEAM CHROME now and become part of one of the fastest growing industries in the country.

What Is A CHROME Reseller?
A CHROME reseller is basically someone that sells on supplements to their friends, family, gym partners or anyone looking for supplements.

So How Does This All Work?
Well basically you will sell supplements to your customers at the full retail price, once you have received enough orders you will then access your very own online account that allows you to purchase those supplements at a discounted price. The profit generated is the difference between how much you purchased the supplements for and how much you sold them for e.g. if you purchased a supplement for R100 and you sold it for R220 then the profit made is R120 (Please Note: Our site can be used as a reference for pricing and as a catalog)

What’s really cool is that the payout structure is completely different to other online supplement stores because you don’t have to wait for a commission to be paid at the end of every month or stress out if or how much you are going to be paid, with us you make your money instantly and know exactly how much you will be receiving on every sale.

Who Can Become A CHROME Reseller?

  • Anyone with personality & knowledge of supplements
  • Personal Trainers
  • Gym Instructors
  • Gym Owners
  • Fitness consultants
  • Sports Coaches

How Do I Become A CHROME Reseller?
Simply email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it